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15 Side Hustle Ideas to MAKE MONEY from HOME

Reading Time: 13m 42s

List of Content:
  1. Introduction
  2. Hustle #1: Teaching English Online
  3. Hustle #2: Becoming a Blog Post Writer
  4. Hustle #3: Virtual Assistant
  5. Hustle #4: Creating an Online Course
  6. Hustle #5: Creating a Digital Product
  7. Hustle #6: Being a Social Media Manager
  8. Hustle #7: Becoming an Agency Owner
  9. Hustle #8: Becoming an Editor for YouTubers
  10. Hustle #9: Becoming a Voice-Over Actor
  11. Hustle #10: Selling Handmade Products
  12. Hustle #11: Coaching
  13. Hustle #12: Managing Facebook Ads
  14. Hustle #13: Being a Content Creator
  15. Hustle #14: Being a Affiliate Marketer
  16. Hustle #15: Becoming an SEO Expert
  17. Conclusion


They say that the secret to becoming a millionaire is having multiple income streams, and it's no surprise that the average millionaire has seven income streams. That's why, in this article, I will tell you about 15 side hustles you can do to make money from home.

So you can start building up those income streams and not rely on one because one is too close to zero. And all of them you can do from the comfort of your home or wherever you want, you can travel, and they don't require you to have a boss, and you get to choose when you work.

And I won't give you the ones we've all heard before, like taking surveys online, Dog walking, and doing food delivery. We're going to do some next-level stuff.

For these 15 side hustles, I've tried them myself, or I've hired people to do them For my business, or I know people who make thousands a month from them, so they are legitimate, and for most, they don't require any upfront costs to get started. All you need is a computer and an internet connection, meaning you can be profitable from day one.

Hustle #1: Teaching English Online

The first one is teaching English online. This is actually the only one that requires a college degree; the rest do not. VIP Kids is a popular service to do This, where you can earn up to 22 dollars an hour teaching English to children in China.

You don't need to speak Chinese, you can pick your hours, and you don't need to prepare for anything or have any lesson plans because they provide the curriculum. It was ranked one of the top 10 best places to work, and all required is a four-year degree in any major; plus, they recommend two years of experience teaching.

But that's loosely defined, and they count any tutoring, coaching, or mentoring experience, which means that if you've been helping your kids with homework, that counts as relevant experience.

Hustle #2: Becoming a Blog Post Writer

The second side hustle is becoming a blog post writer. If you love to write, this could be for you, and you can make anywhere from $30 to $65 an hour.

Many companies and small businesses have blogs on their websites but don't have time to write the content. If you become excellent and start to get recommendations, I've seen people making a hundred and twenty-five dollars per hour.

For this, you can go to Upwork or Fiverr and post your services to get started.

Hustle #3: Virtual Assistant

The following side hustle is becoming a virtual assistant, also known as a VA. You will perform tasks for other people as a VA, but it's entirely online.

On average, if you're starting, you can make between $25 to $35 an hour. But I've seen experienced VA charging $60 or more per hour.

The tasks will be different, depending on who you're working with, and can be anything from conducting research to scheduling appointments to entering data into Excel to watching TikTok videos - I'm not joking about this. I hire VA in my business, and one of their tasks is watching TikTok videos to keep me updated on trends.

If you want to be a Virtual Assistant, this is another one where you can go to Upwork or Fiverr and just post your services to get started.

Hustle #4: Creating an Online Course

I've given you a few side hustles where you're making active income, meaning you're making a specific dollar amount for every hour of work you put in.

But we also have to talk about passive income side hustles, where you'll put work and time in upfront. But then, once you get things running, you can make money in your sleep.

Creating an online course is one of these, and I'd consider passive income side hustles. If you have a skill that people are willing to pay to learn, then this side hustle is perfect for you,

If you have no idea what you'd want to teach, think about what you're passionate about or what your friends have asked you to teach them because that will probably put you in the right direction.

It could be a cooking class or a course About becoming whatever your profession is. I made an online course about how to grow on YouTube, even as a busy professional, which has nothing to do with my lawyer background.

But it's just something that I've picked up over the last year and a half of being on YouTube, and I'm passionate about teaching others about it, and I've made over thirty thousand dollars from this online course in just a few months.

These courses are passive because you will put time into creating them, but once you've made them, you can sell them and continue to generate income from them for years.

For this, you can list your course on a platform like Udemy or SkillShare, or you can do what I've done: host the course on your own website.

Hustle #5: Creating a Digital Product

Side hustle number five, where you can also make passive income, is creating a digital product. This could be an Ebook about something you're passionate about or a design template.

If you have an artistic eye, you can sell Instagram post templates, or if you like writing, you may sell an email newsletter template.

Hustle #6: Being a Social Media Manager

Side hustle number six is being a social media manager, helping a company or a business owner create and post content to their social media.

Many business owners know social media is essential but need more time or the desire to do it themselves. If you can step in and offer to create and post the content for them, this could be a lucrative side hustle for you, especially if you build up multiple clients.

To give you an example: Last month, I paid about six hundred dollars for a social media manager to come up with a daily Instagram post for my legal company and post it, and all they had to do - was create two weeks of content at a time, get my sign off and then use a tool like sprout social to post them daily.

So it's not like they're logging in daily to my social media to do it. They'Re batching it up so that it's less work for them.

If you're strategic about it, you could make over $50 an hour as a social media manager. Just go to businesses that seem established but have little or no social media presence and offer to take that off their plate for your set monthly fee and your set.

Hustle #7: Becoming an Agency Owner

Side hustle number seven, and this one I like even more, its next level, is becoming an agency Owner. This is where you sell a service, but then you're using other people to fulfill that service.

Like a service broker using the social media manager, you sell your social media package for $600 a month. Still, you take that $600 and spend $300 to hire the graphic designer and the writer for the captions.

So you pocket $300 of it for coordinating the team. You're not doing the services. You can do the same for a lawn mowing service or food prep delivery agency. Any service that you can think of that people need.

Hustle #8: Becoming an Editor for YouTubers

On the following side hustle is becoming an editor for YouTubers, spending about a week learning how to edit videos. I learned how to edit it on a software called adobe premiere pro by just spending about a week watching YouTube videos on it and practicing.

Then you can go to any youtuber channel, click on the About tab, and they'll Have their email listed right there, or you can slide into their dm, tell them you can edit their videos, and take five hours off their plate each week? Send them the samples that you've created and offer to do a discounted trial run, and just like that, you have your Side Hustle.

Hustle #9: Becoming a Voice-Over Actor

Number nine is becoming a voice-over actor. If you've been told you have a lovely voice, this one's perfect. You can post on Fiverr, and you can get various gigs like reading out audiobooks, doing commercials, explainer videos, and more.

I've hired voice-over actors on Fiverr for explainer videos. This is a great side hustle that people do pay for. This person is charging 15 for 100 words which I tested out, and it takes less than a minute to record 100 words, so that can add up pretty quickly.

Hustle #10: Selling Handmade Products

Side hustle number ten is selling handmade products on a site like Etsy or the website that you create. You can scroll through Etsy to get ideas for what you could sell.

And what I love about the side hustle is that if you have kids, it will be a great bonding experience and allow you to teach them about business. My friend sells candles with her son, and they seem to have much fun doing it.

Hustle #11: Coaching

The following slide hustle is coaching. I've realized this is highly lucrative online, and I know quite a few coaches making $10,000 per month or more from coaching.

To decide what you want to coach in, think about what you're good at and what excites you. You could be a fitness, wellness, or business coach. Or you could be teaching a tangible skill that you have, like how to draw, dance, or cook.

The most basic way to do it is to set up your website, and I have a link below for you to get your website started at a discount; then, you will offer a coaching program.

It could be an eight-week program that includes weekly Zoom calls with you, and then you sell it. When you sell it, you want to help clients to see the end goal. What's the result and the transformation they will get by working with you?

Hustle #12: Managing Facebook Ads

Side hustle number twelve is managing Facebook ads. This side hustle will only continue to grow, and if you're good with technology and being organized, this could be perfect for you. Many businesses want to run Facebook ads to get traffic to their services and products but need more expertise.

So you're going to spend a couple of weeks teaching yourself how to run Facebook ads. There are so many free programs for you to learn, so please don't spend $2,000 on a course.

I learned about Facebook ads through the University of YouTube and started practicing with five dollars a day on ad spend, and that's enough to get yourself comfortable.

And once you're comfortable enough with it, you're going to offer your service. There's going to be lower competition if you go to local businesses in your area. And tell them that you'll run their Facebook ads for them to get them new customers. And every business center loves to hear that this usually is not hourly and instead works on a retainer.

So when I was looking for a Facebook ads manager for my legal company, I was quoted anywhere from a thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars a month for the retainer to run the Facebook ads. Plus, there's usually a minimum three-month commitment since it is a lot of heavy lifting in the beginning.

Get two or three clients you work for in the evenings or on the weekends; that side hustle will add up quickly for you.

Hustle #13: Being a Content Creator

The next one is a content creator. I started this YouTube channel a year and a half ago, and by month 7, I brought in $20,000 from YouTube between YouTube ad revenue, affiliate marketing, and sponsorships.

I love YouTube, but you can choose whatever platform you want, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or TikTok. Focus your attention on one platform for the entire first year to build up an audience that likes your content.

You should focus on only one platform versus spreading yourself too thin because it will have more of an impact, and then as long as you can stay consistent, other income streams will also come from building your brand.

Hustle #14: Being a Affiliate Marketer

Regarding other income streams, affiliate marketing can be a great side hustle if you want to make money online but need the products or services you want to sell. As an affiliate marketer, you're selling other people's products or services and getting a flat fee or a percentage for every sale you make.

The great thing with affiliate marketing is that you don't have to deal with customer service, the costs of running the business, or creating or updating the products. So it's a great introduction to making money online.

Hustle #15: Becoming an SEO Expert

Side hustle number 15 is becoming an SEO expert. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it's essentially improving your website so that it ranks higher in search engines.

For example, for the legal company that I'm the founder of, we offer a trademarking service. So when someone is searching, how do I register a trademark in the US? I want to be one of those first search results on Google, which requires getting help from an SEO expert.

This is similar to the Facebook ad side hustle, requiring you to be pretty decent with technology. Still, there are tons of free resources to teach yourself SEO. Then you will email business owners to see if they need help with their SEO.


If you like this article, please share it with a friend who needs a side hustle because we have to look out for our friends, and remember that relying on one income stream is just too close to zero. So we need to build up all the free resources I mentioned in the article.

I think you'll love this article, where I talk about how I'm making money online. Thanks so much for reading, and have a great day. 

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