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Work from Home WORLDWIDE with these 7 Companies ALWAYS NEED Entry-Level Remote Jobs

Reading Time: 12m 23s

List of Content:
  1. Introduction
  2. Company #1:
  3. Company #2:
  4. Company #3:
  5. Company #4:
  6. Company #5:
  7. Company #6:
  8. Company #7:
  9. Conclusion


Many of you have asked me for more entry-level remote jobs available, with companies always hiring that are not necessarily looking for people based in the USA, Canada, or the UK. Today, I decided to share seven new entry-level remote jobs with companies always hiring worldwide. So no matter where you're based, there is something in this article for you.

You really want us to grow until the end because even if no one might not be for you? Number three, number four, or maybe number seven will be for you because I'm covering diverse entry-level remote jobs you can do if you want to work from home.

In this article, I give you guys the best practical advice on where to find work-from-home and remote job opportunities and how to apply for them.

Company #1:

All right, guys. The first company I want to share with you, where you can go and look for entry-level remote jobs, is Preply. Preply is a company that specialises in online tutoring, and they hire people who are ready to share their knowledge, whether it is language-related or anything else. So let's look at their website and see exactly what this kind of remote job is about.

When you come to, you see they mention that they started as a company specialising in language training or tutoring online, and they share a lot about their language teachers. But when you become a tutor, they give some interesting details. First and foremost, they mentioned that English tutor at Charge ranges between $15 and $25 an hour, which is good that you can teach anytime and from anywhere.

You can decide on your schedule, and you can be anywhere in the world that they allow you to attend training webinars to allow you to grow professionally. Now, when you scroll lower, you answer many frequently asked questions. And if you look under the one related to what kind of tutors we are looking for, they say that no specific certification or teaching experience is required.

As I said, you should enjoy sharing knowledge and making a difference in students' lives, have outstanding communication skills, and be willing to provide a personalized learning experience to international students. Now, in terms of which subjects, as I said, we're talking about over 100 subjects, not only languages but many other topics.

And then, in terms of how much you can earn, they say that, on average, we're talking about $550 a week, which is well over $2,000 per month. But that depends a lot on how much time you dedicate to tutoring correctly, what kind of subjects you tutor on, and obviously how much you're charging per hour spent.

All in all, Really good place for you to get started if you're looking for an entry-level remote job.

Company #2:

OK, the second one that I want to talk about is, and this one is more tailored towards those of you who are more design inclined, more creative, and looking for graphic design or any other type of design jobs.

So when you come to the 99designs website, if you scroll a bit lower, there is a call that says designers join now. And you can apply to register with 99designs and become a freelancer with them.

And the way you work on 99designs in two different ways. Either you get to work directly with clients one-on-one or submit your concepts to a design contest and earn money doing that if you are selected as the winner of that competition.

When we go to their frequently asked questions, it says, " How much can I earn? They say that you get to charge whatever rates you choose for your work and that they only will take your membership fees, which are more transaction based.

In terms of what kind of work is available, they say you get to choose the industry, style and design category you want to work with. They give you a free hand to make your own choices over there.

Company #3:

Right. Company number three is Automattic, and Automattic is a company that I recommend more to those of you that are technologically inclined. They mentioned on their landing page that they are passionate about improving the web.

And you will see on their home page that they specialize in technologies like WooCommerce, WordPress, Tumblr, etc. There are most well known for their speciality in WordPress. If you know WordPress, this is a place where you want to go and look for jobs.

When you need to do is essentially go to work with us, and then you will be able to find tons and tons and tons of jobs that are some more entry-level, some more experienced. But they will be 100% virtual and willing to hire from anywhere in the world.

Company #4:

Company number four is Weworkremotely, a platform where many jobs get aggregated from well-known companies. And they already mentioned on their landing page that companies like Google, Amazon Base Camp, etc, trust them. And not only that, but they do mention that they charge $299 for anyone to post a job.

And obviously, this leads me to believe that the jobs on Weworkremotely are legit because otherwise, no one will pay $300 to post a scarf. That's what I believe.

So what you need to do is check out the jobs that they have available. You will see that for most of them, it'll say anywhere in the world regarding location. Now, some of them require some knowledge and expertise. Others are entry-level, where you only need a little knowledge.

If you click on view all 134 jobs, you will see some tester jobs, some SEO editors, and some entry-level jobs you can do, even if you are a beginner looking for your first remote job.

Company #5:

The next company that I want to talk about is Gotranscript. And, as the name says, they are a transcription company. They are a 100% human-generated transcription services company, as they mentioned on their website. And they have very, very high customer satisfaction. They take a lot of pride in that.

They have over 144 million minutes of transcribed content and support over 50 languages. This is not only about you speaking English; it works in almost any language. There are over 50 languages, but I'm sure you speak at least one that will fall into their list of covered and supported languages.

So essentially, what you need to do if you want to work with Gotranscript, you'll need to scroll to the bottom, and then you'll see here in the section called for transcriptionists. There is a link called Work.

You go ahead and click on that. And then they'll tell you that a top monthly earner makes about $1,215 on average, and you can apply now.

They are a web-based transcription and translation company that hires anyone for freelance jobs anywhere in the world. So if you're a transcriptionist who takes pride in your work and you want to make a difference in the world, they want you? OK, so you will get paid reliably.

You can do transcription jobs from home with a good internet connection. You can work flexible hours.

Lots of frequently asked questions with solid answers that you can peruse through. Go and check out the Gotranscript. Something in there for you. Suppose you're just getting started and looking for an entry-level remote job.

Company #6:

The next company I want to talk about is Clickworker, and Clickworker is a company that specializes in AI, and they build models for AI and machine learning, like apps and icons like Fly and Bridge.

We've talked about this kind of company before. So, Clickworker will hire people that can do small tasks, hence Clickworker, for them to train their models and their algorithm. So let's look at their website, and I'll show you everything you need to know.

OK, so if you want to know more about who they are and what they do, they mentioned on their landing page that they specialize in AI systems that become smarter with high-quality multifaceted AI training data. If you're interested in learning more about their AI systems, you can go ahead and scroll down and see all the details related to what they do and how they train models related to computer vision and NLP (Natural Language Processing).

But you can go ahead and click here to earn money as a Clickworker, which will take you to another page where you can go ahead and sign up. And it says that Clickworker is always looking for internet users worldwide who can, for example, create or correct texts, participate in surveys or search and categorize data for us.

So it should be straightforward to get work and work with them. The kind of jobs that you would be doing. Our text creation, categorization, copy editing, proofreading, research surveys, mystery visits, app testing, photo capturing, and audio and video recording.

So lots of options for you here. Pretty straightforward to sign up and has lots and lots of opportunities.

Company #7:

And the last one I want to talk about is Peopleperhour, which I last spoke about a long, long time ago. Peopleperhour is a marketplace. It's a platform similar to Fiverr, where you can create a profile and offer your services to anyone looking to hire freelancers like yourself.

So if you want to do a specific type of remote job and even if you're an entry-level or a little bit more experienced, you can create a profile on Peopleperhour. You can offer your services to startups or companies looking to hire someone specialized in whatever you offer. So let's look at their website, and I'll show you more about them.

So as you come to, you will see they have many categories and types of freelancers. So if I'm someone looking to hire a freelancer, I would go in here and search for the specific category of services I'm looking for.

Now, if you are a freelancer or want to become one, click on freelancer, tell them you want to be a freelancer and then sign up either with Facebook or your email.

Let's look at the kind of projects you can find here. OK, we're talking content writing, SEO, website development, logo design, voiceover, etc.

Let's click on voiceover just as an example. You see, there's somebody here charging $60 to record a two-minute voiceover in 24 hours, and they've done some projects. They already have three testimonials.

But somebody charging $20 has 95 testimonials for recording conversational North American male voiceover. So there's nothing really special about this person. I'm sure there is a lot special about him As an individual. Still, about his offering, he's just saying I'm offering a typical North American male voice as a voiceover artist, and this is what I'm charging you for that, and it starts at $20.

So if you can offer a specific accent or have someone you can impersonate, you can try voiceover. But there are lots and lots of other things that you can do or offer people per hour, and you can get started right away and get your first remote job; you can start working online or working from home and start making money with the skills you already have.


All right, you guys, that was it for now. Thank you so, so much for reading. And also share with a friend who might be interested in getting these entry-level remote jobs where no experience is required. And with companies that are always hiring worldwide, I'm sure they'll be incredibly grateful, as am I.

With that being said, I hope you create everyday magic. I hope you have a lovely day and week, and I hope to see you here next time on Createmoney@home, the place to be if you're looking to create a fabulous career and master your life the next time. Bye...

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