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12 Side Hustles No One Is Talking About for 2023

Reading Time: 14m 54s

List of Content:
  1. Introduction
  2. Business #1: Selling Premium Notion Templates and Tools
  3. Business #2: Content Recycling
  4. Business #3: Educational YouTube Channel
  5. Business #4: Digital Agency
  6. Business #5: Sales of Used Goods
  7. Business #6: Copywriting
  8. Business #7: High Ticket Sales
  9. Business #8: Input Ideas from Instagram
  10. Business #9: Selling Digital or Physical at Etsy
  11. Business #10: Storage Space
  12. Business #11: Investing
  13. Business #12: Creating On Demand
  14. Conclusion


There's money to be made everywhere, especially in a recession. All you need to know is where to look.

Here Are 18 business side hustles That start in a recession. For each one, I'll rate the difficulty from one to three magic lamps, three being the most difficult. I'll tell you what they are and how to start them.

Business #1: Selling Premium Notion Templates and Tools

The first business, one magic lamp difficulty! This guy made two hundred thousand dollars in 2022 with it, and it's an untapped Market selling premium notion templates and tools.

Think of Notion as a combined Google Drive, Jira, Trello and Evernote on steroids. Notion lets you build custom templates and workspaces like Content, calendar progress, tracker, budget management tool and more, which you can then sell. Some for just a couple of bucks, and Others can go for over a hundred dollars.

Building out these templates is relatively easy, and there are many free resources online to learn how. But the easiest way to start is to check out existing templates you find helpful on these sites.

Download and break them apart to learn how all the pieces fit together, but one of the hardest things about this is coming up with a template idea That people want to buy.

The trick is to create something valuable that will save people time or effort, and the best way to do that is to look towards your own life and solve a problem you struggle with.

Do you wish you could better manage your work documents or homework or budget your money better? Build something to solve your problems, and then you can sell that Solution on websites like Gumroad SC or your blog.

Business #2: Content Recycling

The second business is one magic lamp, and there's so much opportunity in this space because it's relatively new and called content Recycling. And it's different from what you think when people talk about this. They just mean taking a long-form video, cutting it up and turning them into shorter videos.

But there's a whole other side to this entire thing; beyond the typical TikTok, IG reels and YouTube shorts, there's so much potential in the space for Twitter threads, LinkedIn posts, podcasts, blogs and any other forms of social media.

I met a guy in November who was making thousands every single month from turning blog posts into LinkedIn posts to starting to reach out to content creators and businesses on any social platform and offering to repurpose their platform content like a YouTube video to TikTok video Or blog post put a thread, or a Twitter thread to LinkedIn.

But when you do your Outreach, you need to stand out because many people are pitching the same thing as someone who receives many emails from people offering to do this. They all sound the same to me.

The trick to differentiate yourself is to do it already. Instead of telling me you can cut up my videos for me, do it in your first email Outreach. You should already send me a short run video of mine, so I could immediately see the video output and your skills.

Business #3: Educational YouTube Channel

The third business is two magic lamps, and now is the best time to start because there's a huge gap in the space, and it's starting a very specific type of YouTube channel focused on educational content.

In my first year on YouTube with educational content. I made over five hundred thousand dollars, and by my second year, I quit my full-time job, and I practically reached Financial Freedom. 

What's awesome is if you have any hobbies or know whether it's about baking, sales, health, fitness, technology, or anything you believe will help and serve your community.

You can use YouTube to turn it into an income home-generating machine. You see when I first started my channel, I made a ton of mistakes. There were so many things that I wish I had known from the start.

Business #4: Digital Agency

The fourth business is two magic lamps, and it's starting a very specific type of digital agency, which is much simpler than the name implies. I'll show you the best way to break into this field without experience.

An agency means you're selling some service to another party, but you want to focus on the digital marketing space, and I'll Tell you why in a minute.

What you want to do First, start your digital agency by offering just one type of digital service, whether that's SEO, PPC, branding, growth marketing, content marketing, and there's a bunch more here. Find one service you're interested in learning about and then Deeply dive into It.

First Way: Build a Portfolio

Doing the work for free for just one to three people on Reddit. Afterward, you need to build a website to attract more customers and be able to show off your portfolio. I can't emphasize enough how important having a great-looking business website is because, trust me, it will make you stand out from the competition.

But before I made any websites, I did a ton of research on where I should host and build them, and I couldn't find any platform that I liked; everything was either too slow over the complex or too expensive.

That is until I kept seeing the name Hostinger ranked number one on many web posting review sites, so I went on Hostinger, who's sponsoring this article, and I found it has everything I need to create a site all in one place.

I then checked out their prices, and I was shocked, only 2.79 bucks a month for their premium web hosting plan, which is super affordable, and it comes with a bunch of freebies, free email, a free domain name, unlimited bandwidth and more.

I chose the $48 monthly plan for its 30-day money-back guarantee. If you ever change your mind, there is practically no risk, and you can get your money back; the renewal price for the $ 48-month plan is the lowest.

At this point, I thought it would take a long time to build the actual site, but Hostinger's dedicated 24/7 customer service and tutorials made it easy.

I built the site on WordPress, which has a bunch of free themes and plugins, so I could customize the site how I'd like without needing to learn how to code, and now I have this consultancy business with my portfolio. It was super easy and quick to make.

I emphasize the importance of having a professional, looking website for your business. It makes you stand out and costs less than three bucks a month.

On top of that, Hostinger is giving my readers an additional 10 discount on their ongoing offers; go to Hostinger, and use code cm@h. Thanks again to Hostinger for sponsoring this article.

Second Way: Offer Value for Free Upfront

In addition to having the website, here'S a second way to stand out, offer value for free upfront. So if you decide to start with a PPC service, offer potential clients a free PPC audit to show them where they're wasting money and how you'll come in to improve their performance.

After you master this PPC service and have many recurring customers, return to the list of services I mentioned and pick the next one you're interested in learning.

Deep dive into this and then upsell this new service to your existing clients and expand your Agency, and the cool thing is it'll be super easy to upsell because all these digital marketing services are intertwined.

So if you make a good first impression, they'll pick up another service you're selling.

Business #5: Sales of Used Goods

Fifth is one magic lamp, real-life Arbitrage, and you don't need any money to start. Here's why, during the recession, people, unfortunately, lose their jobs, which leads to two things.

People will sell their old things in garage sales for cheap for extra money, and two, people move to smaller places and need to get rid of their stuff, and some will give it away for free on Craigslist and Facebook marketplace.

Where you come in is you're taking these items and selling them for a profit online; check out these websites (Craigslist, Poshmark, FB Marketplace) or visit local garage sales to get them, but before you buy the stuff. Here's how to tell if it will be profitable:
  1. Go to any price trackers.
  2. Check that item's price history.
  3. See If the item has high price fluctuation.
This could mean you would have a higher profit margin opportunity when you sell it. And that's what I'm doing with these race cars; I bought about 20 of these for three bucks at a garage sale A couple of months back, and they go for 10, 15, and even 20 bucks Each online.

Business #6: Copywriting

Sixth is one magical lamp and one of those rare jobs. That's easy to learn and is very profitable. The average salary is over seventy thousand dollars; you only need a computer with internet, and this business is copywriting. Copywriting is writing intending to persuade the reader to buy something.

Here's an example. This is the Apple homepage, and it currently says "Pro Beyond," Compare this to a text that says "It's a Good Phone" Which one are you more likely to buy? And that's the copywriter's whole job.

And you don't need to be a good writer either when you first start; you can learn how to do this 100% Free on these websites (Copyblogger, Copyhackers, Convince & Convert, The Definitive Guide To Copywriting) or on these books ("The Copywriter's Handbook" by Robert W. Bly, "Copywriting Made Simple" by Tom Albrighton, "The Copywriting Sourcebook: How To Write Better Copy, Faster For Everything From Ads To Website" by Andy Maslen.)

And after you have a good understanding of copywriting, take on some free projects from Reddit to build out your portfolio, and then similarly create a Business website and host your portfolio, So you can start marketing yourself and attracting more clients.

Business #7: High Ticket Sales

Seventh is three magic lamps, and if I could go back in time instead of working in finance, I would have done this because the amount of money you can make is just ridiculous, which is high ticket sales.

Being able to sell premium products and services, And getting a sales commission. So if the product you have to sell costs fifteen thousand dollars - and you get a twenty percent commission, you make three thousand dollars from just one sale.

And the beauty of working in high ticket sales - is you can work for whomever you want, wherever you want, and you don't need to create the product yourself.

To start, you need to understand and practice the fundamentals of sales. The best athletes in history didn't become great because of some unique talent; they became the best because they put in the work.

Mastering the fundamentals, obsessing over them, and finding work will be the easy part. There are a ton of creators and businesses online that have amazing courses.

The mastermind coaching business is growing, but many of these creators are focused on creating and improving their products, so they don't have too much time to focus on sales with potential clients, and that's where you come in reaching out to these.

Creators and businesses work as remote high-ticket sales closer for commission chances. The creator probably won't mind bringing you on because you don't get paid unless you close a sale. After you get more practice and develop your own sales style? You can start a business where you train others to do high ticket sales and run the entire operation from there.

Business #8: Input Ideas from Instagram

Before I get into the next couple of ideas, I asked on Instagram what side hustles or businesses you are currently working on and here are a couple that I want to highlight:
  1. Starting a really Niche blog about sledding equipment and then doing affiliate marketing from there.
  2. Dog sitting and working on other side hustles at the person's house.
  3. Babysitting and doing the same thing earlier.
  4. Going around the neighborhood and asking if people want their cars washed.
  5. Giving exclusive private tours of your entire city.

Business #9: Selling Digital or Physical at Etsy

Next is two magic lamps. It's selling very Niche things on Etsy, a Marketplace focused on digital or physical artsy stuff, and the top merchants on this site are making millions each month.

This is monthly sales, and their average product is 20 bucks. The trick is to sell things around your area of interest. Do you like making art? You can sell posters or pins. Do you like productivity? You can tell journals or calendars.

It's way easier if you're interested in the Niche and category because you can understand your target audience and the marketing terminology to reach them. Check your target audience for inspiration, find trendy products and see what you can incorporate into your Niche.

There are many poorly made listings on Etsy, so you can quickly stand out from the Rest by taking fantastic photos. Optimizing your titles and making your descriptions super detailed.

Business #10: Storage Space

Next is two magic lamps; all you need is to live in an apartment or a house, and it's renting out your extra space to store other people's stuff.

Do you remember what I said earlier about recessions and the outcome of that? During a recession, people, unfortunately, lose their jobs, people move to smaller places and will need to get rid of their stuff, and some will give it away for free on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.

Couple this with Millennials being priced out of owning a home and Baby Boomers downsizing their houses. Many people are looking to store their extra stuff.

To start, list your extra space on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace and charge a monthly retainer basis per item, and you can upsell your services, too, like offering pickup delivery service or even helping them pack.

If there isn't enough space in your home, get a friend on board and offer to pay them some money to store stuff in their basement garage. Eventually, you can expand and buy storage space to attract more clients.

Business #11: Investing

Next is one magic lamp, and it's not a business, just a really smart way to make money in the long term, Investing.

And I know the market's not doing too hot, but here's why it's the best time to start. Based on the data, a raging bull market comes at the end of every recession when the economy returns to normal.

And right now, the mindset is that stocks are on sale, so the trick is to buy and hold for the long term.

Business #12: Creating On Demand

The next business is one magic lamp, creating On Demand. You see, the problem with traditional online stores Is you need three things to start:
  1. An audience to sell to.
  2. A place to store inventory.
  3. A shipping infrastructure.
But with this business, you don't need any of that. All you need are 2 free websites:
  1. Etsy is a marketplace to sell your items.
  2. Print-on-demand websites like (Printify, Redbubble, Sellfy, and Zazzle) 

These two sites fit together because you will design your product on the print-on-demand website. Still, it will create or ship the product until someone places the order via Etsy, and the cool thing is on Etsy, anyone can discover and buy your product.

So to start, create some cool-looking designs that you think people want to buy, and then you want to pick the products that you want to put the actual design on the print-on-demand website, like a hoodie, some Phone cases, socks, mugs, bottles, anything new website offers. Then you go and create a listing on Etsy to sell your product.

And here's how the magic flows:
  1. Someone discovers your product on Etsy and buys it, and sends you their shipping details.
  2. You then go to the print-on-demand website and order the product.
  3. The print-on-demand website then creates and ships it to your buyer.


Super easy. But before you start any of these businesses, learning how to maintain and grow your money is important. Otherwise, you're just going to lose everything. These are the six habits that I need to decide to do to make my first million dollars. Check it out.

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